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      Colorado Invests in VR to Train HHS Staff in Accessibility

      Excerpt of the article Colorado Invests in VR to Train HHS Staff in Accessibility by Julia Edinger, originally published in The Government Technology, March 17, 2023.
      The state of Colorado has launched a pilot program at the Pueblo Regional Center that uses virtual reality technology to train staff to better serve individuals with developmental disabilities and other health needs.
      A Colorado pilot program is helping state workers better serve individuals with disabilities through virtual reality training simulations.

      The program, at the Pueblo Regional Center (PRC), uses the technology to improve staff training for those that work with vulnerable populations, according to Elaine Fisher, the staff development director for the Colorado Division of Regional Centers and virtual reality program lead at PRC. The center works with individuals with developmental disabilities until they can be transitioned to a less restrictive setting.

      Evidence has shown that virtual reality is a powerful training tool that has been used in myriad ways, like combating racial bias. In the health-care field, it can help train professionals to better serve the individuals they work with.
      Fisher and her team are certified trainers in VR technology, introducing it to staff who work directly with individuals with developmental disabilities. The technology allows staff to experience working with Alzheimer’s disease; Lewy body dementia and Parkinson’s disease; vision and hearing loss; end-of-life conversations; LGBT+ aging and trans health; home health assessments; physical and psychological health and relationship dynamics; and communication strategies.

      Read the full article  here