The Effects of Social Isolation

      Experience the destructive impacts of social isolation.


      The Frank Lab

      The learner will embody Frank, a 72-year old Caucasian man, beginning a few months after his wife’s passing. As Frank attempts to navigate his new way of life, the learner will experience destructive impacts of social isolation and understand how it can overlap with loneliness, negative or absent family relationships, poor health, lack of access to transportation, and inability to access community services.

      The second module allows learners the opportunity to embody Frank in the same storyline, but this time experience how with the proper support, Frank can have better health, connect with his family and community, and find more purpose and meaning in his life.


      Users Learn

      • Identify the primary factors related to social isolation for older adults.
      • Recognize that the ability to engage with and/or connect to people, services, and interventions may be the difference between life/wellness and death/disease for a person who is socially isolated.
      • Acknowledge that reducing social isolation takes the effort of both individuals AND adequate networks/systems of social support
      • Be able to describe the primary ways that relationships, services, and interventions can help mitigate the effects of social isolation
      What Customers are Saying
      I got such incredible feedback about how Frank Lab stuck with the students in regards to how they're going to approach their patients, to make sure they're not going to look at them just as a physical therapy patient, but to make sure they're addressing everything that patient needs to make them successful in their lives.
      Season Bonino, PT, MS, DPT, GCS , Clinical Assistant Professor, Dpt of Physical Therapy, Nazareth College

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